
Trips are graded as follows:

  • Beginner
  • Easy
  • Easy-Medium
  • Medium
  • Hard

The grading is a guide only and may be affected by a variety of factors, such as length of the trip, steepness or ruggedness of the terrain, vegetation, presence or absence of tracks, your own fitness and capabilities etc. Grades are likely to increase with inclement weather. Talk to your trip leader for more information and to gauge your suitability.

Unless experienced, new members must have completed a number of day trips before becoming eligible for overnight trips.

Trip Leaders

Trip leaders are volunteers who follow a set of guidelines in the 'Risk Management' policy. The leader is responsible for trip organisation / planning and the final decisions will be made by the trip leader.

Participants are responsible for themselves. Make sufficient enquiries about a trip so that you understand what is involved. If you are not sure, talk to the trip leader or others for advice. Give the leader an objective assessment of your capabilities, equipment and experiences.

The leader has the right to refuse anyone considered below the particular standard for that trip. The leader may also refuse those who do not have the necessary equipment / clothing, or those who have no records of trips with the club. The leader's decision is final.

Risk Waivers

A Sign On / Acknowledgement of Risk form should be completed before the start of each trip.


Trips are generally organised by the Wednesday night prior to the activity. Contact the trip leader as soon as possible, to be sure of booking your place. If you contact a trip leader late, it may not be possible for the leader to accommodate you. Always talk to your trip leader about any questions or concerns.

Only commit to a trip if you are definite that you will go. Pulling out at the last minute can upset the trip planning, or the whole weekend for others.

Meeting Point

Meeting points are arranged by the leader and railway stations are commonly used - even if car sharing. Anybody arriving later than the specified departure time may find they are left behind, so make sure that you have the mobile phone number of the leader or someone else on the trip and call if you are unavoidably delayed.


The club does not charge for going on a trip. Normally the only expenses are gear hire (if needed) and car expenses.

Car expenses for the trip (fuel and 30c/km maintenance, tolls, park entry fees) are divided between all persons attending the trip. The trip leader will be able to give an indication of the expected cost. In the event of damage to a vehicle, the cost is shared between those in the vehicle up to a limit of a standard comprehensive insurance excess appropriate for that car. It is the responsibility of the car owner to ensure that they have appropriate insurance to cover any other costs.


Members can hire a selection of equipment from the club. This information is available in the 'Members Only' area of the site. Meals and tents can often be shared with others on the trip. If you are unsure of what you need, then speak with your trip leader.